The Clay Shoe

This week was quite productive. We made monochromatic paintings, which were pretty cool. I used the color blue. We also read the misfits and started on a new project. Basically we had to take a scene or something related to the story and make it, like for example, Addison made a poem, Christian made a LEGO trailer, and I, made a clay shoe. That is why the title is “The Clay Shoe”. We also made Pascals Triangle outside our classroom. We also made our own versions of the triangle. Those are pretty much all the highlights of the week.


Gregory The Squirrel

This week we read different science world articles and we learned about whatever the article was about. I read an article about mac n cheese, and so did my other fellow classmates, Christian and Addison. Christian read and made a poster about the history behind it, I made a poster about how to make Easy Mac, and Addison made a poster about how cheese melts. It was actually pretty fun. Now, you are probably wondering why the title is “Gregory The Squirrel”. Well let me explain. One day we were sitting in class, and we look out the window and see him for the first time. He was and I believe still is a very itchy squirrel, like, it was scratching itself for like 15 minutes straight. Those are the highlights of the week.

Until next week,


The First Week

This first week was actually really really fun. School is gonna be different this year, you know, with all the COVID-19 stuff. But that won’t stop us from doing fun activities. We traced ourselves on a huge poster and filled the tracing with things about us. We also did some math, which honestly was annoyingly hard. It was still fun though. I am really exited and really looking forward to this year.

That’s all for this week
