Trimester blog

This trimester we:

dissected a pig fetus

learned system of equations

dissected a chicken wing

learned distributive property

read a bunch of Anne Franks diary

learned about WW2

learned about the holocaust

had valentines day

had st baldricks

started law day essays

and practiced a lot for the greek program.

That’s pretty much our trimester summed up.

That’s all for now




We dissected a chicken wing, which was interesting. We’ve always eaten chicken wings but never examined it, so it was pretty cool to see all the muscles and stuff. We started doing some more English. We did something called exquisite corpses, which is a group project where one person writes 3 lines in poetic form, and then they fold the first 2 lines and then pass it on to the next person. They repeat for however many times they want, and then at the end you have a random poem. It was fun to do.`

That’s all for this week
